This covered silver cup was bought from Robert Lloyd in New York City. He sells the best antique silver in the world. Museums, connoisseurs and antique collectors seek his inventory and expertise. I told him I was a beginner collector. He showed me this silver cup with thistle, lotus, chaised lamb and flag designs. The workmanship was done by John Twentymen and Co., Calcutta, India 1830.
The lamb has a halo over its head. I think the halo is a blessing to a family. I can't make out the flag or monogram. The lamb design was carved out of the silver. I believe this technique is called chaising. I don't know how the texture in between the floral and leaf design was made. I'm sure it required hours of labor to create.
Taking care of my silver cup
I only wash it with warm water with a touch of soap once every couple of months. I never ever put my silver in the dishwasher or use harsh abrasive cleaners. I only use a cotton towel when washing or drying. When handling the cup, I use cotton gloves. I learned that the oil's from my finger's can cause tarnish spots. Take note of the black patina in between the grooves of the designs. The patina can be removed if a harsh chemical cleaner is used making the cup appear white. If you need more advice about silver care go online and search "caring for antique silver".
Inside cup view. The floral and leaf designs were created with hammering out the designs by a technique called repoussse.
The hallmarks give all the information that is needed to identify who made it and where. I wish I knew who had this in their home in the early 19th century. This has survived for 180 years.
A view of the lid upside down
Detail of the scrolled handle
Balance and Rocco influences of the 18th century, High Georgian period are on this wonderful cup.
close up of the texture, thistle, lotus and leaf design